Beauty & Style

5 reasons your hair is so greasy

Start putting your hair first, by figuring out where the underlying issues regarding greasy hair are.

1. Not cleaning your brush

Your hairbrush can be a breeding ground for all sorts of bacteria, particularly if you utilise styling products on a regular basis. The build-up of dust and stale product remnants will make for one clogged instrument that will transfer itself into your clean locks. According to hair stylist, Steve Lococo, “It may seem like common sense, but people often brush their hair with a dirty brush. The build-up of oil and dirt will cause even freshly washed hair to appear greasy.” Make sure to clean out the bushel of hair on your brush at least once every few days and sanitise the bristles with a mild cleanser.

2. Wearing your hair up at night

If you’re prone to tying your hair up at night to avoid tangles, you might want to reconsider. “When you tie your hair up at night, all of your natural oils become concentrated at the scalp,” shares hair stylist, CJ Dougherty. “This prevents the oils from working their way down the whole hair strand leaving hair looking greasy near the root area.” Try showering in the morning instead or investing in a great hairbrush.

3. Humidity

If you are stuck in a geographical area known for high humidity, there’s unfortunately not much you can do to control Mother Nature’s stubborn ways. Environmental factors can cause physical appearances like skin and hair to take a toll, but there are ways you can improve the look of oily hair. According to salon director, Amy Kimball, “When it’s hot, humid, and we’re sweating all the time, it can cause oil to build up faster on the hair than in cooler climates.” In this case, try purifying scalp cleansers to help counteract and balance sebum levels.

4. Using shine serums

We get it – shiny, glistening hair is great. But there’s a fine line between glossy and greasy, and one must handle it with extreme caution. While you may think that your looks look lustrous, your colleagues might just assume you haven’t showered in a few days. According to Kimball, “Shine serums are really popular right now, but if you rub them in near your scalp where there’s already a lot of oil, your hair could look very greasy. To prevent this, concentrate the serum towards the middle of your strands and then down to the ends. This will give the hair luxurious shine, without the greasy roots.”

5. Touching your hair too frequently

While it may be satisfying to push your hair back or touch your scalp during the day –flirtatiously or habitually – doing so can easily transfer the oil from your hands to your roots. According to salon director, Kristina Maccaro, “Constantly touching your hair – just like your face – transfers oils from your fingertips and hands to your hair strands. Try braiding your hair or pinning it back to keep it out of your face if you are prone to fiddling with your locks all day.”

Written by Hana Hong. This article first appeared in Reader’s Digest. For more of what you love from the world’s best-loved magazine, here’s our best subscription offer.

Beauty & style, Lifestyle, hair help tips, greasy hair, hair tips