Michelle Reed
Beauty & Style

Age-proof your hands in 6 simple steps

They say the eyes are the window to the soul, but one of the biggest tell-tale signs of a person’s age is their hands. We’ll help you turn back the clock and prevent future damage with these age-proofing hand tips.

1. Wash your hands less – Over-washing your hands can be drying and irritating, which makes your hands look older. Wash them less if you can get away with it, and try to introduce a moisturising hand wash into your routine.

2. Moisturise – Well hydrated skin is a key to a youthful look. To maintain your skin, use a good moisturiser daily.

3. Help your collagen – If the skin on your hands has grown thin, your body’s lack of collagen might be the culprit. To counteract this, you can get plumping treatments that help to stimulate collagen production. Treatments range from lasers to injections.

4. Treat your spots – Brown sun and age spots are a dead give-away of a person’s age. You can fade them with topical whitening/spot-treating ointments and vitamin C oils. Laser treatments are also a spot-treating option.

5. Wear SPF! – The sun is one of the main culprits of ageing skin. To keep youthful looking hands, prevention is key. Wear SPF not just on your face, but on your hands to prevent sun spots and wrinkles.

6. Wear gloves – Under the same rule of SPF, prevention is key. Try to wear gloves when you’re outside, and in particular, invest in a pair of driving gloves as driving is a time when your hands see a great deal of direct sun exposure.

Related links: 

Why you should be using retinol in your beauty routine

5 reasons you should use coconut oil in your beauty regime

8 anti-ageing myths you need to stop believing

beauty and style, ageing, anti-ageing, skin, lifestyle, beauty