Charlotte Foster
Beauty & Style

Date sends woman home for not liking her outfit

While most people have a dating disaster story, Nikki Harding’s could rival the very best, as her evening ended alone and in tears. 

Nikki had been getting to know a guy she was interested in for three weeks, and ignored a few red flags she noticed during their initial meeting. 

Ignoring her gut instinct, Nikki chose to give her new man the benefit of the doubt. 

However, when the two had scheduled a date together, Nikki was left feeling heartbroken and humiliated. 

The two had planned to go to a work event for the man’s retail company, and Nikki was excited to meet his friends and colleagues. 

Nikki showed up looking glamorous and chic in a black long-sleeved crop top, pink trousers and her hair and makeup styled accordingly. 

However, when she arrived at the event, her date “was too embarrassed” and sent Nikki home in an Uber. 

Taking to TikTok to explain her ordeal, she wrote, “It’s been 3 weeks. I spent 40 minutes on my makeup to meet his friends and coworkers at a grand opening for the retail company he works for.”

“He was too embarrassed to be seen with me in this outfit, so he sent me home in an Uber and went to the opening without me.”

Nikki shared the details of her fleeting relationship with her online followers, as she admitted it was not the first time the man had commented on her appearance. 

She said, “It all started with little comments here and there over the past couple of weeks like “Why are you wearing heels? I like it when you wear tennis shoes. Why are you wearing so much makeup? I really like it when you’re natural.”

After sharing the details, her followers were quick to give her relationship advice. 

One person commented, “ “Remember: This is him in the beginning. This is him on his best behaviour. Run.”

Many others told Nikki she deserved a lot better, and described it as “a blessing” that she got out of the relationship early, to which Nikki responded, “I deserve better than this.”

Since the nightmare date, Nikki has made sure to dress exactly how she wants to. 

Image credits: TikTok @nikki.jabs

Beauty & style, online dating, dating nightmare, uber, outfit