Melody Teh
Beauty & Style

Habits of people with healthy hair

Having healthy hair that goes the distance is about much more than what you wash (or don’t wash) it with. There are a number of key factors involved in the production and maintenance of a glorious head of lush locks. Fortunately, having the knowledge of what makes strong and shiny has allowed us to work out a regime for optimum hair health. These 11 habits are universally shared by the healthy haired amongst us. Try them for yourself to see great results with a few small tweaks to your regime.

  1. Regular haircuts – Having a trim every six to eight weeks ensures minimal split ends and can curb hair breakage in its tracks.
  2. Take a styling holiday – Your hair really does put up with a lot. Heat styling, thick applications of product, colour treatments. It’s a wonder it stays as happy as it does. Giving your tresses a few days off every week allows follicles to recuperate and regenerate.
  3. Don’t forget the scalp – Good hair needs a healthy scalp. If you’re suffering from itching or dry patches, consult your hairdresser, or doctor, as you may need a medicated shampoo or treatment product to help.
  4. Eat healthy – The better your diet, the better your skin and hair will look. Ensuring you’re eating balanced meals and plenty of protein gives your hair the best chance at thriving.
  5. Protect before perfecting – When you heat style your hair, you should always use a thermal protective spray. Spritzed onto damp hair, these formulations coat hair against heat damage and usually ensure a smoother, shinier result.
  6. Masks aren’t just for your face – Applying a deep conditioning mask to your hair on a weekly basis is a great way to bump up hydration levels and correct any damage. Your local pharmacy will have a great selection of products to cure a whole range of ailments.
  7. Be sunwise – The sun takes its toll on your hair just as much as it does your skin. Applying a heat protectant product and wearing a hat are essential, especially during summer, to protect your scalp and tresses.
  8. Turn down the temperature – Just like hot styling tools, a very hot shower can also damage hair and make colour fade faster. Try keeping water warm as opposed to hot and wear a shower cap on the days you don’t need to wash your hair.
  9. Go hands free – Constantly touching or pulling at your hair, especially over a long time period, can slowly traumatize your follicles, which can lead to splitting, breakage and even a receding hairline! Try not to play with your hair or pull it back too tightly when possible.
  10. Brush up on your brushing technique – There’s a ‘right’ way and a ‘wrong’ way to brush your hair it seems! Brushing more than once a day and using a bristle (as opposed to plastic) brush can do more harm than good. Try brushing once of a morning as gently as possible with a plastic bristled brush that doesn’t pull too much on the hair.
  11. Update your products – While you technically can use the same shampoo, conditioner and styling products for years on end, switching with the seasons is a great strategy for healthy hair. Your hair has different needs in summer to winter and employing a specific range that targets those seasons and associated concerns will ensure long-term health and vitality.

Related links:  

The haircut that will take 10 years off

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beauty, style, hair, Naomi Cotterill