Alex O'Brien
Beauty & Style

Iris Apfel reveals accessories tips

She’s the queen of accessories. At the age of 94, Iris Apfel is hot property in the fashion world right now because she’s got more than style and moxie – she has a story.

As one of the first women to wear jeans, and an interior designer at the White House for nine US presidents, Iris wears her personality on her sleeve, neck, face, and anywhere else she can figure out how to bedazzle.

Her wisdom on the world is built on her belief in charisma. "You can have the most beautiful clothes in the world, but if you have no style—it's just stuff!"

Get to know the style icon better in her videos with Australian fashion label Blue illusion below. She says some pretty spot on stuff about how to own your own style.

Click the photo below for Iris' tips on accessorising

Click the photo below for her tips on wearing denim.

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fashion, style, Iris Apfel