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What do the astrologers have in store for you in 2015?

What does 2015 have install for you? We found out with the help from our three favourite astrologers. Australian astrologer Yasmin Boland ( is the resident astrologer for Yahoo! Australia and New Zealand and Jonathan Cainer ( is a British astrologer who forecasts for three Australians papers, the Sydney Daily Telegraph, the Melbourne Herald Sun and the Perth Sunday Times. 


“Some Aries have had many ups and downs in the past few years that they're dreaming of a peaceful and quiet life. But trust the Stars – the first few months of 2015 can help you to turn your life around. But you have to be willing to do things dramatically differently. If you make changes now, you can really revolutionise your life.” — Yasmin Boland

“This year you embark on an adventure that eventually facilitates the fulfilment of a lifelong aspiration. It completes a process you began last year when you began to carefully consider all you ever thought you knew about yourself.” — Jonathan Cainer


“If your health has not been as good as it could be that should also change now. Many Taureans have been under the weather simply because Saturn in your opposite sign put so many demands on you. Now as the New Year dawns you should find you refind your zest for life and your health should pick up too.” — Yasmin Boland

“As the turning tides of 2015 bring forth new breakers of opportunity and surging waves of challenge, all depends on you finding the centre of balance on your psychological surfboard. At the essence of your sign is a quest for stability. To attain that, you must convince yourself you are 'worthy of happiness.' How hard can that be?” — Jonathan Cainer


“This is a very big year for you (in fact the start of a very big two year cycle). Reason being is that Saturn has taken up residence in your Love Zone and will stay there for most of the year. That means all of your most important life lessons are going to come to you from the most important people in your life.” — Yasmin Boland

“If you really want to succeed, in 2015, take time to dwell on some of the things which may have gone wrong in the past. How badly wrong did they really go? Have you consigned, to the landfill of history, a rare, valuable experience that might be far better dug up, cleaned off and profitably recycled?” — Jonathan Cainer


“Your working life appears unpredictable at the moment and that's not going to change any time soon. However be aware that as of March, it won't be quite so dramatic or worrying. A lot of the issues you have faced in the past few years will be forgotten. Be innovative at work – it’s a key to success for you now. So too is working on the internet or for yourself.” — Yasmin Boland

“You're about to discover that you're ready to be brave, to take charge of a delicate situation and find the glorious solution to a niggling problem. You're due to spend a year protecting people you care about from threats you have no fear of, defending causes that matter to you from threats that have no right to exist... and discovering the full extent of your own amazing hidden power.” — Jonathan Cainer


“As the year kicks off you still have lucky Jupiter in your sign. This is great news. He only visits about once every 12 years and when he does, he brings good cheer. He endows you with the ability to see life with a positive outlook that can be truly life changing. Work on being as optimistic as you can be between now and August when he will leave your sign. You could change your life under this cycle.” — Yasmin Boland

“2015 allows you to relinquish some of the control mechanisms you have previously had in place. You become more relaxed. You become more willing to accept love and that makes it easier for others to love you. And, of course, the more that others show their love to you, the more you will in turn, be able to respond. That all gives rise to a rather lovely bubble of emotional contentment which will slowly envelop you more with each month, in this surprisingly rewarding year.” — Jonathan Cainer


“This is a big year for you – you have eclipses all over your chart! This is nothing to be alarmed about. However it does strongly suggest that if you want to make changes in your life, 2015 is the year to be doing just that.” — Yasmin Boland

“In the past you have had a tendency to think, 'Do I go too far? Do I try too much? Do I make things available too quickly, things that ought to be fought for with more of a vengeance? Such guarded thoughts can soon be put aside. In 2015 you find your way to a more profound understanding of what love really is and real love finds its way very easily towards you.” — Jonathan Cainer


“The universe sees hope, and plenty of it, for you. It sees the chance to help you make a big breakthrough early in the year and for things to keep on improving at every level. It seems a pity to disagree with it really, because actually, it is right!” — Jonathan Cainer

“Your home life and relationships with family members will settle down too. Whether you live with your folks, your partner, with children or with a flatmate, things should be less volatile for you on the domestic front. Family members who’ve been driving you crazy will also be easier to deal with.” — Yasmin Boland


“Focus on having fun as 2015 starts. Check to see if you have become a work-a-holic! And also think about the lessons that past two years have taught you – some may well be about karma.” — Yasmin Boland

“2015 enables you to forge several simultaneous paths towards success in what might appear, entirely different directions. Also, given the strength of the last in the series of seven sharp squares from Uranus to Pluto, in the way life propels you to fight a corner and stand up against an injustice. This year you will inspire many people to alter their expectations of themselves, of life... and of you!” — Jonathan Cainer


“You are the sign associated with good times. However in 2015, you have the fun-buster of the zodiac, aka Saturn, in your sign for most of the year, which is the first time since 1988. If you can remember as far back as then and you're worried because 1985-1989 were not your finest years, don't panic! You are now older and wiser and you will be able to handle all of Saturn's challenges with aplomb.” — Yasmin Boland

“This year, love, and all that's connected to love, becomes easier than you ever expected it to be. And more fulfilling. Now this doesn't mean that it will all be perfect. Nor will you graduate from your school to the point where you never need any more training... but it still looks like a pretty good time ahead.” — Jonathan Cainer


“If your love life or working life has been volatile these past few years, you should find both are less stressful in 2015. You will no longer be quite so quick to react if and when things don't go quite your way. Your home life and relationships with family members has also been affected by these strong energies. So, yes, as of March/April, you should find your home is a much easier place to be!” — Yasmin Boland

“The sixth-century Chinese General Sun Tzu said, 'Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer'. This year, Saturn's fluctuating fortunes suggest not only should you heed his advice, you should ask if your enemies actually ARE your friends? In revising old ideas and redrawing boundaries you may liberate yourself from obstacles that have held you back too long. Free, at last, to think the unthinkable, you will then scale unprecedented heights of success and fulfilment in your material and emotional life alike.” — Jonathan Cainer


“The first thing to note is that as 2015 dawns you are going to be under far less pressure. Reason being, you have had Saturn bearing down on you these past few years. Chances are you have been pushed to your limit and – at times – not even sure you could cope. However the good news is that you're out of that cycle now, older, wiser and hopefully feeling pretty proud of how resourceful and resilient you are! The people and situations which threatened to exhaust you should fade out of view now.” — Yasmin Boland

“In 2015 your love life will naturally begin to blossom and bloom in ways that may currently seem almost beyond imagination.” — Jonathan Cainer


“All in all, 2015 is a potential pivotal year for you, not least because you have eclipse energy in your sign, in March, and in your Love Zone in September. Things can change – you just have to decide how you want them to change.” — Yasmin Boland

“Think of the joy, the fulfilment, the magic and the happiness that comes your way in 2015 as 'change' due on the high denomination note you surrendered, via previous years of strife. Because, during this exceptional year that includes a glorious solar eclipse on the final degree of your sign in March and goes on to provide a triumphant opposition of Jupiter and Neptune in September, you can expect only the good stuff and never more than the minimum necessary dose of the bad.” — Jonathan Cainer

Here's a list of some things you can do to give your grandchildren a headstart at school.

family, Astrology, 2015