Alex O'Brien
Family & Pets

10 of the best activities to do with grandchildren

Looking for some fun things to do with the grandkids? We asked you, the Over60 community, what you’re favourite activities to with the little ones were, and here are your answers. These activities are not only great for grandchildren, but grandparents too!

1. Reading a book together

2. Cooking and baking with them (and then eating all the food)

3. Taking them to the local playground

4. Playing board games like cards, checkers, scrabble, puzzles and cards.

5. Teaching them arts and crafts

6. Colouring in together

7. Planting a veggie garden

8. Playing sports

9. Going for a walk to take in sights and sounds of nature

10. Watching and chatting about their favourite TV show

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family, activities, grandchildren, grandparenting