Ben Squires
Family & Pets

10 boys names you have been pronouncing wrong

Most of us have no issues saying hello to people like Simon, Chris or Paul, but when we come face to face with the likes of Xavier, Eoghan or Joaquin it's another matter.

But our days of fumbling over these complex names might be ending.

Popular YouTuber Lucy Earl has explained the correct way to pronounce 10 of the most difficult boys' names to pronounce. Check out the video below:

Here’s a rundown of the trickiest boy names to get right:

1. Joaquin - Who-A-keen or WA-keen

2. Sean - Shawn

3. Stephen - Stef-en or Steve-en

4. Elias - EH-lias or Eh-LI-as or Eh-LEE-as

5. Xander - Zan-der (short for Alexander)

6. Xavier - Ksa-vee-eh or Za-vee-eh

7. Noel - Nowl

8. Eoghan - Oh-in

9. Louis - Loo-iss or Loo-ee

10. Jaden - Jay-den

Do you have a name that’s difficult to pronounce?

lifestyle, YouTube, Family & pets, name, Boy names