How to: make a candy cane dog treat
Who doesn’t enjoy a candy cane during the holiday season? Dogs, included! While you’re baking the treats this year don’t forget about your pooch. These treats are both festive and safe for your furry friend so now the whole family can enjoy the classic Christmas candy! It also make a nice Secret Santa gift for the canine lover in your life. Here’s how to make them.
What you’ll need:
- 3 cups flour
- ½ cup powdered milk
- 1 cup chicken stock
- 3 eggs, one for egg wash
- 2 tablespoon red food colouring (optional)
- ½ teaspoon peppermint oil
What to do:
1. Combined the flour, powdered milk, chicken stock and two eggs. Whisk together until well combined.
2. Knead dough and add more flour until no longer sticky. Divide in halves.
3. In one half create a well and add peppermint and food colouring. Mix together until desired colour is reached.
4. Place both dough rolls into a bowl, cover with gladwrap and refrigerate for approximately an hour to cool and firm the dough.
5. Preheat oven to 180 degrees.
6. Whisk egg for wash.
7. Break each dough colour into pieces and roll each to an equal length.
8. Twist each colour together and create a candy cane shape.
9. Place candy canes in baking sheet lined tray and brush with egg.
10. Bake for 10-12 minutes or until firm.
11. Cool completely before bundling together as a gift or giving it to your pooch.