Georgia Dixon
Family & Pets

Demanding dog shuts owner’s laptop in bid for attention

A dog’s life is very tough. After hours and hours of being alone, your owner comes home, only to jump straight on Facebook. For one dog, that simply wasn’t good enough.

Cheeky pooch Koda has won himself some fans after his owner, Shyann Rachel, posted a video of her sassy dog slamming her laptop shut, captioned, “do you think he maybe needs attention?” It’s almost as if he’s saying, “what are you doing on Facebook? Are you looking at other dogs? There’s a dog right here!”

The cute video has been seen almost 5,000 times and dozens of people are saying how much Koda reminds them of their own four-legged friends. Tell us in the comments below, has your dog ever been as demanding as this?

dog, laptop, cute, video, shuts