Family & Pets

Everything you need to know about a raw food diet for dogs

The raw food diet has exploded in popularity in recent years as an increasing number of dog owners look for alternatives to pre-packed commercially produced foods. But along with the popularity has come controversy as well. The raw food diet emphasises feeding your dog raw meat and bones (as well as fruits, vegies and grains). The belief behind it is that it’s better for your pooch as it was the diet of their wild ancestors and is less reliant on preservatives and additives. Critics however argue that raw food diets do not suit domesticated canines whose lifestyle and constitutions barely resemble their wild cousins and they also point to health risks associated with the diet.

It is a passionate debate in the pet world and with good reason: your dog’s diet is very important as it can contribute to a long, healthy and happy life. So what is best? Well, the jury is still out. There is little scientific research into the raw food diet so much of the evidence is anecdotal. We run through the pros and cons so you can make up your own mind. However, keep in mind this is not a one size fit all diet – just because a friend’s dog might love it or she find it very beneficial for their pooch, it might not be best for your furry friend. It is always a good idea to consult your vet before making any major diet changes as well.

Related link: Q&A with Bondi Vet's Lisa Chimes: Raw diets 

PRO: You are in control

If you are concerned about the quality and consistency of pre-packed foods then preparing your pooch’s food at home will mean you know exactly what is going into the food, where it came from and the quality. You can also respond to their specific needs like if your dog has an allergy or particular nutrient requirement.

PRO: Keeps teeth strong

Chewing on bones will help clean and toughen up your dog’s pearly whites and gums which all help prevent decay.

PRO: More energy

Dogs take more time to metabolise processed food so feeding them a raw diet, which can be digested more easily as well as the added protein in their diets, has been shown to boost some dog’s energy levels.

CON: Bacteria concerns

Raw meats contain bacteria such as salmonella, E-coli and Staphylococcus aurius which can be harmful to both your dog and you. There is a risk of illness then from such bacterial or parasitic contamination. To combat this always buy quality fresh meat and take all necessary precautions in the kitchen like when you are handling your own meat for dinner.

CON: Choking hazard

When dogs chew on bones they can potentially fracture it causing them to swallow slivers. This can lead to choking, intestinal blockages or punctures, and chipped teeth. Always remember this when feeding bones to dogs.

CON: Unbalanced diet

If you feed your dog raw food only for a prolonged period of time, he or she could experience nutritional deficiencies. It is important to supplement the diet with other necessary nutrient and vitamins so your dog gets a balanced and nutritionally complete diet. This can be difficult to do if you do not understand canine health and to complicate matters, sometimes nutritional deficiencies do not show until a few months when the issue is quite pronounced.

CON: Expensive

It can be a very expensive and time-consuming endeavour to source, store and prepare each meal. Feeding your dog a high quality raw food diet is significantly more expensive than a pre-packaged one, even the quality high range ones.

pets, raw diet, dogs