Family & Pets

Warning: These 8 cute animals have dirty little secrets

Don’t be fooled by their cute and cuddly exterior. These friendly looking animals have some private habits that would shock you to the core.


These guys somehow believe that their urine has a rather sexy scent. Prior to mating goats have been found to cover themselves with their own urine. It is believed that when the male goats urinate on their stomachs, legs and beards they may be trying to assert their dominance.


These harmless looking sleepy animals don’t eat much more than plain old vegetation. But they appear to have developed a taste for human excrement. Scientists in Peru have recorded 25 incidents of sloths coming down from the trees at night to feed from the latrines. Whether it’s the taste factor or the potential nutrition within the poo is still being determined.


You may have heard that hippos kill more humans than sharks and crocodiles, but you may not know about this. Apparently when a hippo poops it does its best to spray it as far as they possibly can. So next time you’re at the zoo keep a safe distance from the back end of the mammal.



The cute little Adele Penguins do their best to keep away from their own poo by ejecting it explosively. The penguins could be doing this in order to protect their plumage.


Cute little fluffy bunnies aren’t just munching on carrots. They also enjoy eating their own poop. And a bit like the sloths it’s not yet been determined whether that’s due to a need to take in nutrients or just a preference for the taste.


These big guys are with the rabbits in terms of poop eating. They are happy to tuck into their mate’s faeces with gusto.


These desert survival experts have a hidden talent for when thing get hot. Their super larger bladders can hold over forty per cent of their body weight. But this also means that they have a serious amount of arsenal to use to spray any potential attackers (animal or human). Steer clear or prepare to get covered in tortoise pee.


The sleepy little koala who loves nothing more than snoozing and eating eucalyptus leaves looks innocent enough. But did you know that baby koalas can’t just move from mum’s milk to the tough old leaves that the adults eat. In order to get the right bacteria in their gut to be able to digest their leaves, they need to ingest some specialised poop from their mother. Not so cute now, are they?

Related links:

10 cute baby animals guaranteed to brighten your day

9 impossibly fluffy animals that will make your day

10 cats who can nap anywhere

Pets, Animals, Cute, Lee Price