Family & Pets

Natural ways to prevent fleas

If your pooch has ever been cursed with fleas you’ll know it can be the bane of their (and your) existence! But rather than shelling out money for chemical products, here are a few natural and safe ways you can help keep your pooch flea-free.

Keep your environment clean

Fleas love a mess so the cleaner you keep your pets and your environment, the less likely they’ll pick up any dirty pests. Make sure you keep your dog’s sleeping spots clean and wash bedding regularly.

Bathe your dog

Those pesky bugs hate water so bathing your pooch will help keep them away. But don’t bathe them too often as it will strip their coat of natural oils which can also create a good environment for pests to inhabit. Aim for once every month and pay attention to between the toes and around the ears, as that’s where insects like to hide. Brush regularly between baths.

Keep an eye on playmates

Dogs usually pick up fleas from other dogs so it’s a good idea to keep an eye out for the health of playmates. It could say you and your friends a lot of trouble!  

Comb your dog

Give your dog a thorough brushing regularly. Use a fine toothed metal comb as they’ll be able to catch small fleas and ticks.

Repel them

There are many natural oils that deter pests from your pet. Add a few drops of lavender, eucalyptus, rose geranium, lemongrass, or even a cut-up lemon (fleas hate citrus) to one cup of water and mist over your furry friend or dab the solution on their collar. Some people have found spraying a solution of one third cup apple cider vinegar to two-third water works as a natural deterrent as well. Just remember to avoid the eyes, nose, mouth and ears.

Natural treatments

If your furry friend does get infested with fleas (signs include frequent scratching, biting and wounds) rather than a pesticide shampoo use a natural treatment bath. Boil two cups of fresh rosemary in water for half an hour. Strain and transfer liquid to a bucket filled with four litres of warm water. Soak and bathe your pet thoroughly. Let them dry in the sun! 

Note: Essential oils can be beneficial to pets but it's important to remember that the skin of animals is different to us humans. So use essential oils with caution especially with cats who are more sensitive to oils. 

pets, dogs, Fleas, Natural prevention, Prevent fleas