Alex Cracknell
Family & Pets

Game of Thrones star’s unbearable loss

In a deeply sorrowful announcement, former Game of Thrones star and 2018 World’s Strongest Man Hafthor Bjornsson and his fitness model wife, Kelsey Henson, have shared the devastating news of the stillbirth of their daughter.

The couple, who joyfully revealed their pregnancy just three weeks prior, now find themselves grappling with the profound grief of losing their precious child.

It was on October 19 that Hafthor and Kelsey happily disclosed the news of their second pregnancy, sharing their anticipation of welcoming their baby daughter in March 2024. However, a mere three weeks later, the couple heartbreakingly revealed on their Instagram pages the tragic news of the stillbirth of their daughter, Grace Morgan Hafthorsdottir, born at 21 1/2 weeks gestation on November 8.

In their shared statement, the couple expressed their overwhelming pain and grief, emphasising the beauty of their daughter and the love that will endure despite the profound loss.

"After a noticeable decrease in movement we found out her heart had stopped beating," the post read. "Words cannot describe our pain of this loss or our happiness at being able to spend time with our daughter. She is absolutely beautiful, with blonde lashes and brows and a little smile for mom and dad. The love we feel for her is overwhelming.

"The grief we feel will be with us forever but so will the love. All of our hopes and dreams for her have been taken away from us but I know I will be with her again. Her spirit lives on through us and her siblings. We ask that you respect our privacy at this time as we grieve this unbearable loss. Thank you all for any kind words and support."

Messages of condolences and support poured in from friends and well-wishers, including Arnold Schwarzenegger and seven-time Mr Olympia Phil Heath, reflecting the broader community's empathy for Hafthor and Kelsey during this trying time.

"My heart is with both of you," wrote Schwarzenegger. "Please let me know if you need anything and know that you’re in my thoughts."

The heartbreaking news follows the couple's candid revelation about their struggles to expand their family. Hafthor, known for his impressive feats in powerlifting and his portrayal of The Mountain in Game of Thrones, and Kelsey faced challenges in conceiving their three-year-old son, Stormur. After a failed IVF attempt and two years of trying, they successfully conceived their son naturally. The journey repeated as they tried for a second child, this time resorting to IVF, which proved successful.

In a YouTube video, the couple shared their fertility struggles, aiming to shed light on the difficulties many couples face when trying to start a family. Despite the hurdles, they expressed gratitude for the opportunity to share their journey, fostering understanding and empathy for others experiencing similar challenges.

Images: Instagram

Game of Thrones, Hafthor Bjornsson