Georgia Dixon
Family & Pets

George Clooney’s father gushes over new grandchildren

Yesterday, George and Amal Clooney welcomed two gorgeous new bubs into the world, twins Ella and Alexander, and the newborns’ grandparents couldn’t be more thrilled. Nick Clooney and Nina Warren first laid eyes on the two-hour-old babies over Skype, since the star couple had arranged the birth to take place in London. Nevertheless, they’re clearly proud as punch.

“They’re gorgeous,” Nick told FOX19. He revealed that while both babies have dark hair, one in particular appears to have taken after their heartthrob dad.

“Nina swears they have George’s nose,” Nick said. “Not both of them – one of them. The little boy looked like he had [George’s] nose, his little profile.”

And as for the names? The new grandparents “love” them. “Both sound terrific.”

Nick confirmed that the new parents-of-two are doing “wonderfully well,” albeit exhausted, naturally. “George, well, his eyes were glazed so I’m not sure that he was sober,” he joked.

Amal’s parents have also spoken out about their excitement for the new arrivals. Baria Alamuddin, who was present with her daughter for the birth, said the family is “over the moon”. “It was a beautiful delivery,” she told AFP. “The babies are beautiful and are doing well.”

Ramzi Alamuddin, Amal’s father, also issued a statement from his home in Beirut. “They are in great heath,” he said. “All is perfect.”

We don’t know about you, but we can’t wait to see the first snaps of the beautiful, newly-expanded family together!

Image source: WireImage.

Twins, George Clooney, Amal Clooney, Nick Clooney, Nina Warren