Family & Pets

Grandad has last laugh at his own funeral

An Irish grandfather has played a final prank on his family members and friends with a message from beyond the grave.

Shay Bradley, who died last week at the age of 62, had a wish that his loved ones would be laughing at his funeral in Dublin.

On Saturday, mourners gathered at a Dublin cemetery and watched as Bradley’s coffin got lowered into the ground and bagpipes played.

After the music stopped, the defence forces veteran’s voice could be heard saying “Hello”, with the sound of knocking appearing to come from the coffin.

“Let me out, it’s f****** dark in here,” Bradley was heard saying to laughter from mourners, before singing, “Hello again, hello. I called to say goodbye.”

Bradley’s son Jonathan said his father arranged the stunt around a year ago with him and his siblings.

“[My father was] a larger than life character who always wanted to make people laugh,” the 41-year-old told BBC.

“He wanted something special and for everyone to remember him as he was, so that everyone, especially my mother, did not leave the graveside sombre.”

The moment on the funeral was recorded in a video, which has received more than 1.7 million views on Twitter.

“What a man. To make us all laugh when we were incredibly sad. He was some man for one man. Love you forever Poppabear,” Bradley’s daughter Andrea wrote on Twitter with the hashtag #Shayslastlaugh.

Viral, Funerals