Charlotte Foster
Family & Pets

"I'm so sad": Woman declined entry into music venue because of her baby

A mother has shared her frustration after she was denied entry into a live music venue due to the fact that she had her baby with her. 

Jasmine and her partner were excited to see one of their favourite artists, Angie McMahon, at Melbourne's iconic concert venue The Forum, and made the decision to bring their five-month-old baby with them. 

The baby was strapped to the mum's chest in a carrier and was wearing headphones, but jasmine was soon confronted by venue staff that she was not allowed entry into the venue, and instead offered to return without their child for another night.

The singer herself later called in to the 3AW radio show, where Jasmine had recalled the incident, to say that she would not have minded having a baby in the audience.

“I’m so sad. I’m sorry that it’s happened. We’ve had newborns at some of the other shows on the tour and it’s been so special,” McMahon said.

“It’s like a really lovely moment to know that their parents have taken them to come see us, and that’s one of their first gigs. It’s so special for us to know that that’s happening so I wouldn’t have minded at all.”

McMahon said she thinks mums, particularly new mums, are typically doing it tough and they should be able to have a night out and enjoy it with their baby.

The Forum’s parent company The Marriner Group said the event was a “licensed general admission standing” and that they were respectful of the situation, but stood by their decision.

“The promoter has offered for the customer to come back to attend the show on Friday instead, but without the baby, and hope that is an agreeable solution for everyone.,” they said in a statement.

Image credits: 3AW

family & pets, mother, concert