Charlotte Foster
Family & Pets

Jessica Mauboy's exciting family news

Jessica Mauboy is set to become a first-time mum, with reports saying the Aussie singer is pregnant with her first child. 

According to The Daily Telegraph, the former Voice Australia coach and her husband Themeli Magripilis will welcome their first baby next year.

The reports claim that Mauboy only broke the happy news to her friends and family last week, with the singer believed to be five months along in her pregnancy. 

The 35-year-old singer married her husband at a stunning ceremony in Darwin after meeting when they were both 18 at a nightclub in the Northern Territory capital.

Reflecting on her nuptials in an interview earlier this year, Mauboy told Australian Women's Weekly that the ceremony celebrated both her Indigenous and Indonesian heritage and Magripilis’ Greek heritage.

“It was a very cultural celebration … a cultural fusion. There were moments when Greek music started and Them was there leading everyone in the dance, because he grew up dancing and still dances traditionally,” Mauboy said.

“My dad got everyone up with his traditional (Indonesian) dancing and a lot of our uncles and aunties got up on the guitar and started singing hymns. I was thinking: ‘This is (what it’s all about).'"

Earlier this year, Mauboy revealed to The Daily Telegraph the pair almost split at one point, admitting, “We were eight years in a long distance relationship and we felt really apart, we weren’t doing things together, we weren’t creating a future.”

The singer said the pair eventually worked it out after they moved in together.

Image credits: Instagram

family & pets, Jessica Mauboy, baby, pregnancy