Natasha Clarke
Family & Pets

“Miraculous”: Meet the world’s oldest dog

A dog from the rural village of Conqueiros, Portugal, has taken the world by surprise and claimed the title of not only the world’s oldest living dog - he’s also the oldest dog ever. 

Two weeks ago, Guinness World Records announced that Spike the chihuahua was the oldest living dog. Spike has been melting hearts for 23 years. 

Bobi, a purebred Rafeiro do Alentejo, was confirmed as being 30 years 266 days old as of February 1 2023. With seven years on his fellow senior canine, it was safe to say that a title transfer was in order. 

While Spike was the previous oldest living dog, the former oldest dog ever was an Australian cattle dog who went by the name Bluey. Bluey, who was born in 1910, lived to be an astounding 29 years and 5 months old and held that record for almost an entire century. 

Bobi’s breed, Rafeiro do Alentejo, is a livestock guardian breed. They typically have a life expectancy of anywhere between 12-14 years, meaning Bobi has more than doubled that prediction. 

The accomplishment is impressive in itself, but Bobi’s miraculous story started many, many years ago. 

The Costa family, Bobi’s family, told Guinness World Records that Bobi was one of four male puppies born in an outbuilding where they stored their wood. 

“I was eight years old,” said Leonel Costa, “my father was a hunter, and we always had many dogs.”

“Unfortunately,” he went on to explain, “at that time it was considered normal by older people who could not have more animals at home… to bury the animals in a hole so that they would not survive.”

Leonel’s parents took the puppies the next day while their mother, Gira, wasn’t there. Leonel and his brothers were distraught, but soon noticed that Gira continued to visit the outbuilding where the pups were born. 

“We found the situation strange,” Leonel admitted, “because if the animals were no longer there, why would she go there?” 

After following Gira on one of her expeditions, the brothers discovered a sole surviving puppy - Bobi. Bobi had been disguised amongst the wood in the outhouse, and overlooked by the Costa parents. Leonel and his brothers opted to keep him a secret. 

Of their decision, Leonel explained, “we knew that when the dog opened its eyes, my parents would no longer bury it. It was popular knowledge that this act could not or should be done.”

“I confess that when they found out that we already knew, they screamed a lot and punished us,” Leonel admitted, reflecting on Bobi opening his eyes and securing his place in their family, “but it was worth it, and for a good reason!”

Leonel confessed that only Bobi knows the secrets behind his longevity, but believes his lifestyle and environment have been significant factors. 

Bobi has enjoyed 30 years of roaming freely around the forests and farmlands at home, alongside a whole host of other animals. 

His diet has consisted of human food, with Leonel mentioning that the decision may or may not have been entirely their own, “what we ate, they ate too. Between a can of animal food or a piece of meat, Bobi doesn’t hesitate and chooses our food.”

Happy and healthy senior pets are not an unfamiliar thing for the Costa family. Bobi’s mother, Gira, lived to the age of 18, and another of their dogs, Chicote, saw 22. 

“I never thought of registering Bobi to break the record because fortunately our animals have always lasted for many years,” Leonel explained. “We see situations like this as a normal result of the life that they have, but Bobi is one of a kind.”

Bobi has already achieved a lot this year, and is set to celebrate even more when his 31st birthday rolls around in May. 

Image: YouTube


world record, dog, oldest dog