Charlotte Foster
Family & Pets

New rendered image holds hope in William Tyrrell disappearance 10 years on

A new rendered image has shown what William Tyrrell would look like now on the 10-year anniversary of his disappearance. 

On September 12th 2014, the then three-year-old disappeared from his foster grandmother's home in Kendall on the NSW Mid North Coast and has not been seen since, making his disappearance one of the nation's most enduring mysteries. 

Now, 10 years on, Ten News have released a rendered image of what William might look like now at 13, with experts hoping it might prompt someone to come forward with information. 

Criminologist Xanthe Mallett said the image was a way to keep William’s face in the public eye.

“An image such as this could encourage someone who knows what happen to unlock the mystery,” Dr Mallett told Ten News.

A $1million reward has been offered for information to help locate William, with a coronial inquest into his disappearance to take place at the end of this year.

As William's family continue to struggle with the mystery around his disappearance, Close friends of Tyrrell’s foster parents, Clare and Alice Collins, have told 7News reporter Michael Usher the family was “crushed” to still have no answers on the 10-year anniversary.

“They remember William every minute of every day,” Clare said. “They’re living a nightmare.”

Alice added, even a decade on, they believed “hope is the key”.

“You hear cases from around the world with kids who had been abducted, and they turn up 10, 20 years later,” she said.

“There is still a chance that he is out there ... it’s a big reach ... but in light of the fact that there is absolutely no evidence that William is deceased there is that very, very slim chance.”

The pair appealed to anyone across the country with information as to where William might be to “make the call”.

“It’s as though he’s just vanished ... we need answers ... Australia needs answers. Help bring William home ... and we will do everything in our power,” Alice said. “We are never giving up.”

Image credits: NSW Police / Ten News

family & pets, William Tyrrell, anniversary, photo