Carla La Tella
Family & Pets

New Zealand's first set of quadruplets since 2018

Brett and wife Joanne Wills have become the first lucky parents in New Zealand to welcome a set of quadruplets since August the 15th, 2018, making it a long four years.

Fraternal siblings Esther, Lucy, Jonathan and Oliver were born in that order at Wellington Regional Hospital over a 15-minute period. The four babies were premature, being born at only 31 weeks and one day via a planned c-section. Currently being cared for in the NICU, all four babies are on ventilators.

Joanne shared that her first concern when finding out she was carrying quadruplets was picking four suitable names. That, and how her husband Brett would take to being a stay-at-home dad.

Joanne is a consultant for an Australian software company, as well as a skipper for Hawke’s Bay Coastguard. Prior to the birth, the couple already have one child together with Joanne sharing this pregnancy was on “another level” compared to her first.

The couple found out they were expecting quadruplets eight weeks in to the pregnancy. "We had a scan and suddenly that scan was a bit different,” said Joanne.

The babies will stay in incubators until their lungs are strong enough. Joanne added she hadn’t had the chance to bring them all together yet but “It will happen, good things take time,” she shared.

Image: Star News

New Zealand, Babies, Quadruplets, Children, family & pets