Family & Pets

Is your pet allergic to you?

While pets are often blamed for allergies flaring up, have you ever stopped to wonder if pets can be allergic to you?Because the answer is yes, yes they can.

We were astonished as you are, but it seems that cats can be allergic to dogs, dogs can be allergic to cats, and both can be allergic to humans.

“It's rare, but dogs can be allergic to cat dander and people dander and vice versa.” Raelynn Farnsworth, of Washington State University's College of Veterinary Medicine, told National Geographic. While dander, the tiny cells shed from hair, fur or feathers, is mostly used in relation to pets, humans produce it too.

For dogs, the most common symptoms include skin inflammation, itching, sneezing and runny noses. For cats, allergy symptoms often manifest as little scabs or missing hair, generally around neck and head area.

If you observe your pets with these symptoms take them to the vet to get tested. Typically, vets will look for common allergens like dust mites, human dander or common things in the environment. Usually if pets are allergic to human dander they are sensitive to other allergens as well.

And if your furry friend does end up being allergic to you, there’s no need to worry about parting ways. Vets can treat pet allergies with either allergy shots or oral drops, which trains the body to ignore the allergens.

Related links:

10 signs your pet is sick

Why is my dog such a picky pooper?

Why do cats groom people?

pets, lifestyle, animals, allergies, health