Family & Pets

Q&A with Bondi Vet’s Lisa Chimes: Depressed doggy?

Shot in and around Sydney’s famed Bondi, channel 10’s Bondi Vet is one of the most loved shows on TV. Featuring the charismatic veterinarians, Dr Chris Brown and Dr Lisa Chimes, the show goes offers an inside look at the work of the devoted vets. We were lucky enough to sit down with the lovely, Dr Lisa Chimes, and get your pet questions answered. Here’s what Lisa had to say.

Question from Kathy: I feel mean as my dog stays home alone in an apartment while I work. I take him for a long walk when I return and the rest of the time he just sleeps. Could he be depressed? Is this normal behaviour? How can I add more activity into his boring day in an apartment?

Dr Lisa Chimes: Sounds like you are doing the right thing by taking him for a long walk. It is normal for dogs to spend a lot of time sleeping, but you need to work out what is a "normal" amount of sleep for your dog. Have him checked by your vet to make sure he is healthy. If he gets a clean bill of health, then I would take him for a walk before work if you can. Provide him with an activity toy (e.g. a Kong) to keep him occupied while you are out, and then take him for a walk when you get home. Another option is to take him to "doggy-daycare" or get a second dog to keep him company!

dog, pet, lisa chimes, bondi vet, pet circle