Family & Pets

Part 2: The funniest things grandkids say

We all know that kids have a unique view on the world and will come up with the cutest sayings… or the harshest of observations that only a child would say out loud! So we asked the Over60 community to share the funniest words that have come from their grandchildren and you were all more than happy to oblige. If you’re looking for a laugh today, just read on for some hilarious, precious and simply adorable observations from our innocent young grandkids.

“My five-year-old grandson said to me the other day, ‘Nana where’s your other face I like it better!’ He meant my make-up face.” – Linda Reed

“When I first started to work for a supermarket, I told my eldest grandson that I was a ‘checkout chick.’ He said, ‘No, Nan you are a ‘checkout chook’.’” – Carolyn Clarke

“I was going to take my granddaughter for walk. She was about 20 months at the time and I said, ‘Come Leisel, let’s go for our walk.’ With a very cross look on her face, she said: ‘I haven't got my feet on yet!’” – Marie Claire Henderson

“I took my five-year-old grandson to a cafe and there he was being quite grownup waiting for his milkshake when he looked over and said, ‘Well tell me Nan, what dinosaurs were around when you were a little girl?’” – Marian Kemp

Related link: Part 1: The funniest things grandkids say

“My grandson was four and wanted to watch a movie with me, but told me we had to clean the house first. He worked so hard dusting and fluffing cushions while I did the big stuff. After we finished, he checked every room and with a nod of approval he said, ‘Ok, Nan which movie do you want to watch? Oh, you'd better make a cup of tea first, I think you need it!’” – Heather Ross

“My granddaughter and grandson wanted me to tell them how babies are made, but I said they would have to ask mummy and daddy as I didn't think it was my place. But then my granddaughter asked me, ‘How did I get from daddy's eye to mummy's tummy?’ I guessed correctly she had been told she had been a twinkle in daddy's eye.” – Joan Snookes

“My granddaughter was sitting on my husband’s lap giving a cuddle. She then she said, ‘Pa, you need a shave your face is full of splinters!’” – Jean Moody

“I had taken the grandson out for the day and was singing along to songs on the radio. Grandson asked, ‘You like to sing, don’t you Nan?’ I replied yet and he said, ‘You don’t do it very well do you?’” – Beverley Alben

“At my 50th birthday my four-year-old granddaughter asked her mum what all the people were talking about as they were bagging me out. Her mum said, ‘They are saying funny things about grandpa.’ Shortly after when no one had the microphone, she wandered up on the podium and informed the room, ‘Grandpa farts in bed!’” – Bob Sayer

“My Grandson asked: ‘Why doesn’t the sun sizzle when it goes into the ocean?’” – Annie Sterling

“Our four-year-old grandson was watching a dinosaur show when I asked, ‘Do you know what extinct means?’ Oh yes, he replied. I was so proud but then he said, ‘It’s when you’ve done too many farts.’ He thought I’d said, ‘You stink.’” – Dianne Fletcher

“My granddaughter Holly was two when she visited with her mother. She was wearing a new summer dress and looked a picture. I said, ‘Don't you look beautiful?’ She replied, ‘Yes, I do.’ They're so honest at that age.” – Jan White

“My youngest granddaughter celebrated her fourth birthday recently. ‘How old are you, Mia?’ I asked. She lifted four fingers. ‘Can't you talk?’ I asked. She replied: ‘Can't you count?’” – Anna Turetschek

“Naughty nanna was having a smoke so told the three-year-old to go in and shut door. She asked, ‘Why do you do that, Nan?’ I said, ‘It's alright, love. Nanny is trying really hard only to smoke a little bit.’ She replied with a cute face and head tilted: ‘So that means you will only be a little bit dead?’  Oh dear, I stubbed it out so fast! And have quit now!” – Robyne Ruis

“My three-year-old grandson superhero brandished his new sword saying, ‘I'm going to cut you into little pieces, Nana.’ I asked him what on earth he would do with all those little pieces, to be promptly advised he would turn me into a puzzle!” – Helen Montgomery

“I said to my four-year-old granddaughter you will be the death of me. She replied: ‘You will be deaf to me.’” – Sherry Purcell

“My grandson who is only six-years-old orders breakfast eggs calling them ‘bene-Richard.’ He then says, ‘Nana, I'm not allowed to say swear words.’” – Lynne Turner

“My four-year-old granddaughter can twist me around her little finger. One afternoon while sitting on my lap watching Shrek, she looked lovingly up at me and gently placed her hand on my cheek. I melted. This tender moment was followed by, ‘I'm so glad you're fat Grandad 'cos you're really comfy.’” – Maurie Tong

“When my husband had surgery to his head, our three-year-old granddaughter was not upset but said, ‘Oh Poppy, that's a really funny band aid!’” – Lesley Klohs

“My granddaughter was eating her dinner when she told me that her tooth hurt when she ate on it. I told her to eat on the other side so she turned her plant around.” – Gloria Taylor

“My Granddaughter believed she hadn't been born because of remarks like ‘Oh you weren't born then.’ One day she saw her birth certificate and said, very indignantly, to her mum, ‘See, I WAS born!” – Mary Bennett

“If there was no internet when you were young how did you get your emails?” – Bernard Katchor

“When we were visiting the zoo my four-year-old granddaughter asked to go to the toilet for a poo. So we were urgently looking for a loo but it took a while. I was concerned we might have an accident but as l ushered her into the cubicle she said she didn't need to go now. When l queried she said, ‘It’s ok now, because I sucked it up so I don’t need to go.’ It was hysterical!” – Jeanine Phillips

“My daughter, at the time seven, was sitting on the back veranda talking to her grandma and me. She picked up my mum's (her grandma) hands and pulled her skin on the back of her hands and said, ‘Grandma, your skin doesn't fit you.’” – Margaret Violet Barnes-Buckley

Related links:

What my grandparents mean to me…

The Grandma diaries: memories for my grandchild

4 fun games to play in the backyard that won’t cost you anything

family, grandchildren, funny