Readers respond: What do you remember about your grandparents?

We asked our readers what they remember most about their grandparents, and the responses were heartwarming.
From holiday visits and distinctive smells, to gifts and special activities, here are some of your favourite memories with your grandparents.
Dawn Dominick - My grandma on shopping day at the Vic market.. she would always buy me a toffee apple as a treat.
Isabel Edwards - I was lucky to live in a home with my great grandmother & my grandparents at the same time that was when families would look after each other.
Vicki Wooden - My Nana was warm, soft, smelt of lily of the valley powder, liked to sing old songs, could knit or crochet anything, she gave the best hugs and she made a dessert called apple snow and I loved it and her more than anything else.
Allan Riches - That beautiful smell of my lovely Nana, her laughing, and smiles and cuddles, oh and her apple pies.
Shirley Williams Knevitt - Only knew one grandparent and remember she would bring balfours fruit buns each visit.
Margaret Inglis - Only knew my mother's mother. She lived quite a distance from us, so didn't see her often. Saying that she would stay for a few days and would always be crocheting doilies and place mats. Still have some.
Also, we would do an errand for mum after school and Nana would always slip in a couple of pennies for an ice cream.
Jackie Jakeways - My Nan and grandad helped bring up my brother and me as we lived in there house loved them both dearly. I will always remember my pretty dresses and my nans beautiful long auburn hair and brushing it.
Joy Meyer - My Nan was a wonderful caring woman. On her 100th birthday she said we shouldn't be making a fuss over her... we should be sending the queen get well cards cos she just came out of hospital. That's the lovely type of person Nan was.
Lynette Smede - My maternal grandmother lived with us and made the best mushroom and niche tarts.
Lynne Clarke Carter - My pop was still riding his bicycle at age 90, and other granddad showing us how to pan for gold at the creek in Ballarat.
Pam Thomas - How brave my granddad was to go and return from World War 1. He was a gentle beautiful man who never got over the hell of war. And my wonderful nana who supported him at every step.
Karen Algie - I had lots of school holidays with my grandparents and loved every minute, they are the best memories I have from my childhood.
Linda Barclay - My paternal grandmother, was tough as nuts. She used to stitch up her own injuries! She was good for a laugh some times though.
Diane Wilson - Only met my grandma on mums side and she passes when l was 12 but she showed me how to crochet.
Donna Knight - I always use to get behind my nana when lights and thunder hit thinking that she would protect me.
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