Family & Pets

The Grandma diaries: memories for my grandchild

Over60 community member Robyn Jones, 64, from Newcastle, NSW, shares her thoughts on leaving a part of ‘grandma’ behind to her three lovely grandchildren.

I have always looked forward to the time when I would become a grandmother. My three grandchildren live in Noosa and I was afraid that living so far away (we live in Newcastle) we wouldn’t have regular visits and they wouldn’t relate as well with us “grandparents”.  Nothing could be further from the truth; our grandchildren and my husband and I share a wonderful relationship.

My daughter presented me with a book “Memories For My Grandchild” earlier in 2014 and asked me to complete it and return it to her for my three grandchildren to read later in life.  As I am an avid family history researcher there were no problems giving an insight into this “grandma” for future generations.  I have always wished I knew more about my grandparents - my maternal grandparents died before I was born and my paternal grandparents died when I was 2 and 8 years of age so I have no memories to treasure unfortunately. 

In answering the questions covering my 64 years, I decided that there would be no flavouring the truth so it was written ‘warts and all’. In doing so I experienced many emotions; happiness, sadness but at no time have I ever felt that I would have done things differently – no regrets.  I am who I am. I enjoyed answering the questions relating to my grandchildren, putting my immense love for them in writing (there were happy tears in doing this).

I hope my grandchildren and future generations will enjoy learning about ‘Grandma’ by reading this book; about my friends, the things that amused us as kids (even the ‘naughty’ bits we did without our parents’ knowledge!) and the values I believe in.

The love for grandchildren is a very special love, as every grandparent will know.  For those generations who are yet to experience this love, they have something very wonderful to look forward to in the years to come.

Being a grandparent makes my life complete.

Do you have a story about your grandchildren to share? We’d love you to be a part of our Granddad and Grandma diaries. Get in touch with our editorial team at

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