Danielle McCarthy
Family & Pets

The top thing Aussies have been googling: “How do I pronounce Louis?”

After much suspense, the name of Prince William and Kate’s third baby has been announced.

Whilst there were many bets placed on the name right up until the last minute, Kensington Palace put up a statement over the weekend revealing that the child had been named Louis Arthur Charles.

After the highly anticipated name reveal, a single search term spiked on Google Australia: “How do I pronounce Louis?”

Thankfully for the confused Aussies who searched up the pronunciation, the internet revealed the correct answer.

For those who are still wondering how to pronounce the young royal’s name, it is pronounced Lu-ee, not Lewis.

Other famous Louis’ that are helpful to note are singer Louis Armstrong and fashion brand Louis Vuitton. 

One Direction singer Louis Tomlinson also tweeted a sweet message to the prince after finding out they share the same name.

He wrote, “Young Louis welcome to the world. I’ll take you under my wing lad. The Adidas tracksuit is in the post!”

Prince Louis is the fifth in line to the throne and was born on April 23.

top, thing, Aussies, googling, How, pronounce, Louis