Family & Pets

They did it! Baby Dominic scores 60 years of free pizza

Dominic Julian Lot came into the world at 1:47 am last Wednesday, weighing the same amount of approximately 23 garlic breads, at 3.9 kilograms.

And while his arrival has left his parents overjoyed, they’re also celebrating another gift - 60 years of free pizza from Domino’s Pizza.

The pizza chain was running a competition for their 60th birthday last Wednesday, and Clementine Oldfield and Anthony Lot were the lucky winners.

The first baby to be born in Australia on that day called Dominic or Dominique would win the cash equivalent of a pizza a month, for six decades - $10,080.

"My mother sent us a screenshot of the promo on Tuesday and we laughed it off thinking well that's kind of funny because he's coming today on Tuesday, not on Wednesday," Mr Lot told A Current Affair.

But baby Dominic had other plans, arriving in the early hours of Wednesday morning.

The couple had already chosen the name Dominic when they first discovered Ms Oldfield was pregnant with a boy.

"It's one of my favourite names since I was a little kid," Ms Oldfield said.

"We both liked it and we struggled with finding names we both liked to be honest."

Dominic’s grandmother Janine, and cousin Dominique had both alerted the couple to the competition.

"I sent it to Anthony just as a joke saying 'here is some inspiration if you need any names or anything'," cousin Dominique said.

"The next day found out that he was born and then he was called Dominic and it was just the best day ever because I've never met another little Dominic before."

"We had a lot of people who were pretty disappointed wanting nine months so they could prepare a little bit better," CEO of Domino's Pizza, Australia and New Zealand, Nick Knight said.

"But it was great to see that we were able to celebrate that so early on in the competition."

A copy of the birth certificate was provided before the prize was awarded.

Dominos, pizza, baby, competition