Food & Wine

4 tips to help you start a veggie garden

Image: Getty

There is nothing quite like growing your own fruit and veggies at home. Here’s how to increase your chances of an abundant harvest.

1. Choose a sunny spot

Whether you're planting some pots on your balcony or digging a dedicated space in your backyard, vegetables require sunshine.

"Plant when there is some warmth in the soil – don't plant too early in the season when the soil is cold or too late when it's hot all the time." 

Regular watering is a must. A rain water tank is recommended. 

2. Pick your favorite produce 

Start small while you learn the ropes, just planting two or three things that you like and will eat.

If you know you like a leaf salad with tomatoes, just grow those things. Lettuce, beans, spring onions and snow peas are relatively easy starting points.

3. Nurture your soil 

Your veggies will only be as good as the soil you plant them in.

"You can get potting mix from Bunnings and supplement it with garden scraps, potato peel and chicken manure to make your soil richer," he says.

Good drainage is important, so if you're planting on a balcony, Jarvis suggests putting your pots on a table.

If your backyard soil is clay and heavy, put some Gypsum Clay Breaker in to break up the clay or build a raised bed and fill it with potting mix and veggie scraps. 

As for bug deterrence, you shouldn't need to use insecticides.

4. Keep at it

Like any new skill, it might take some trial and error to learn what works.

Don't make the mistake of giving up too early. 

Once you get the hang of vegetable growing, the rewards are vast – for the planet, your health and your happiness.

There is something reassuring and wonderful about growing your own food – it gets you outside and makes you feel good.



Gardens, Food & wine, Health, garden tips, veggies