Danielle McCarthy
Food & Wine

6 items you should never put down the sink

Washing certain foods down the sink can have some serious consequences on your plumbing.

Experts at the Good Housekeeping Institute have revealed the items that you should never wash down your sink, even if you do have a device that disposes of waste.

1. Celery

Celery is fibrous and even if you have a waste disposal unit, the strings will most likely tangle around the blades leaving you with a clogged-up sink. You should also avoid washing asparagus and corn husks down your sink as well.

2. Oil

If you put oil, fats or grease down your sink, your pipes will become congealed.

3. Coffee grounds

It may be tempting to wash coffee grounds away because they are small but they can build up and create a sludge-like mess in your drain.

4. Pasta

Any stray pieces of pasta need to go in the bin as if it is washed down the drain, water can cause pasta to swell and it may result in a blockage.

5. Potato peel

Potato peel and other starchy vegetables such as beans, should never be washed down the sink as it can create a mess.

6. Bones

Even if you have a bone that is small enough to fit down your sink, it will end up getting stuck and creating a blockage somewhere in the pipes. 

What do you make sure you never put down the sink? Let us know in the comments below. 

home, food, Sink, down, items, never, put