Danielle McCarthy
Food & Wine

Broccoli salad with almonds and feta

On a recent trip to Wellington reader Pam Shackleton visited the Ti Kouka Cafe on Willis St for lunch.

Shackleton was impressed by its crisp and zesty broccoli salad. "It's the best I have ever tasted."

We contacted the cafe and it happily supplied the recipe. 

Serves: 6



1. Cut broccoli into desired size and blanch in boiling water with a pinch of salt for 30 seconds. Remove and cool. Heat pan to smoking point and add broccoli in one layer, sear for one minute or until slightly burnt looking. Allow to cool.

2.  Combine the olive oil, chilli and garlic to create a dressing. In a large bowl top broccoli with dressing, feta, almonds, lemon zest and season. Serve at room temperature. 

Republished with permission of Stuff.co.nz.


recipe, salad, feta, broccoli, almonds