Food & Wine

How to glaze a ham

A Christmas spread is not a Christmas spread until you have your sticky, sweet glazed ham sorted. He we show you how to prep your ham to perfection.



1. Preheat oven to 150C. Place ham on a large oven tray and warm for 10 to 15 minutes until the skin starts to loosen. Remove from oven and increase temperature to 180C.

2. Gently cut through the skin around the shank (make sure you don’t cut so deep that you are into the fat). Gently push your fingers between the skin and the fat to peel off the skin, leaving the shank intact.

3. Use a sharp knife to very lightly score the fat in diagonal crosshatches (again, don't go to deep or the fat will split when the ham is baked). Insert a clove at each point where the crosshatches intersect.

4. Brush ham all over with your favourite glaze and bake until golden (usually about one hour), basting with remaining glaze as needed.

Note: Best served hot or at room temperature.

Image: Getty

Christmas, ham, glaze, food, cooking