Alex O'Brien
Food & Wine

Tea expert reveals the secret to making the perfect cuppa

Everyone likes to make their tea differently – we all have our own little eccentricities that go into our cuppa. Milk after water? Scalding or lukewarm? Sugar or no sugar?

Well, as it turns out, it’s not about the maker of the tea but rather the brewer, according to Stephen Twining of legendary tea brand Twinings. “The perfect cup of tea is [about] fabulous ingredients from anywhere around the world and that obviously varies according to taste,” he tells “Simple is the best.”

There is one thing Twining believes will spoil a good brew, though, and it’s sure to ruffle some feathers – sugar. “It completely ruins the flavour.”

The 10th-generation tea king suggests the following two easy steps to brewing the perfect cuppa.

  1. Brew the tea for 3-5 minutes, depending on desired strength.
  2. If too strong, add more water to help dilute the flavour.
  3. Add a splash of milk if desired, but not too much as it can spoil the flavours of the leaves.

What’s your secret to brewing the perfect tea? Share your tips with us in the comments below.

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Tea, drink, english breakfast, Twinings