Michelle Reed
Food & Wine

Muddled macadamias on the barbeque

Got a BBQ planned soon? Here are two great recipes for flavoured macadamias, both of which make a tasty snack to nibble on while you wait for the meat to cook. Top tip: They taste even better with a cold beer!

Lime and lemon myrtle macs



1. Place all the ingredients in a bowl and stir until the macadamias are coated. Transfer to a 30cm piece of aluminium foil lined with baking paper, and place on the barbeque away from direct flame for 10 minutes, tossing occasionally. Serve warm.

Wattle seed and chilli macadamias



1. Place all the ingredients in a bowl and stir until the macadamias are coated. Transfer to a 30cm piece of aluminium foil lined with baking paper, and place on the barbeque away from direct flame for 10 minutes, tossing occasionally. Serve warm.

 Recipe courtesy of Australian Macadamias – visit their site for more yummy food ideas.

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Related links:

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food, recipe, bbq, macadamia, muddled