Food & Wine

Pick up your $2.50 potato hearts from Aldi

When it comes to frozen potato treats, it’s safe to say us Aussies are fans.

Who could forget the uproar when Potato Smiles were discontinued from supermarkets – as well as the excitement when they were reintroduced (as the made-over Potato Emojis) in 2020.

So it is no surprise that Aldi shoppers have been excited by the addition of a new potato treat, with some even saying they would make the perfect Valentine’s Day meal.

The German supermarket is selling Potato Hearts for $2.49, with the “super cute” freezer item easily cooked in an air fryer or oven.

These tasty treats have sent members of the Aldi mums facebook group into a freenzy. It’s not known whether the Potato Hearts are a permanent addition to shelves or here for a limited time only. 

Pick up yours today from Aldi and enjoy!

Image: Instagram

food & wine, Aldi, valentines day, cute, tasty