Ben Squires
Food & Wine

Proof supermarket packaging is getting out of hand

Supermarkets might be phasing out plastic bags next month, but a cursory glance around the fruit and veg section of your local Coles or Woolies is all it takes to realise they could be doing a whole lot more for Mother Nature. reports shoppers are getting sick of overpackaging at our nation’s supermarkets, with fresh food items like bananas, apples and even sweet potato wrapped in plastic before being made available to the public.

A recent petition urging Coles and Woolworths to stop wrapping small portions of herbs, vegetables and fruit in plastic and Styrofoam attracted over 300,000 signatures, and Greenpeace is encouraging shoppers to spread the word and post photos of overpackaged items with the hashtag, #ridiculouspackaging.

“Every time you’re out shopping for your weekly vegies, the problem hits you in the face,” a Greenpeace spokesman said.

“Rows upon rows of glistening plastic packaging, smothering things like bananas, corn and oranges … as if they didn’t have their own fully biodegradable wrappings.

“As Aussies, we love our beaches, our Reef and all the creatures that live in it. We know the dependence on plastic has to end.

“It’s time that supermarkets and producers put an end to smothering their fruit and vegies — and our oceans — in plastic.”

The petition was started by Bourke resident Pat Lowe, who says it’s making headway.

“Woolworths and Coles have removed tonnes of plastic packaging in the last few months — by June 30, Woolworths will have REDcycle bins in every store,” Mr Lowe said.

“Coles will have them available in almost 800 stores Australia-wide.

“This means we can recycle plastics right there, in store.

“This victory is one that requires vigilance, so please don’t stop looking out for ways in which these supermarket giants can be more environmentally friendly and if you see something, message Woolworths and Coles directly to remind them of their promise.”

Woolies and Coles have responded to shoppers, acknowledging there is more woark to be done.

“In recent months we have permanently removed plastic wrapping from produce lines such as avocado, organic spring onions, celery, kale and English spinach,” a Woolies spokesman said.

“These moves will help save more than 37 tonnes of plastic packaging on a yearly basis and we have plans to do even more throughout 2018.

“We’re also working to roll out convenient plastic recycling options for our customers in all supermarkets across the country by June 30 in partnership with the REDcycle program — a closed loop recycling solution where customers can return soft plastics used to package produce and groceries.”

Coles towed a similar line.

“We are also actively working with our suppliers on more sustainable and recyclable forms of packaging across all products,” a Coles spokesman said.

“There are times when packaging is required to protect the product’s freshness and to ensure food safety from farm to home.

“For some produce, packaging reduces the incidence of defects such as bruising, crushing and dehydration, resulting in less waste in our stores and for our customers.

“For example, a cucumber wrapped in plastic has a shelf life of 10 days. Without the wrapping, it can spoil in just six days, which is a waste not just of the cucumber but all of the inputs that were required to grow and transport it to stores.”

An Aldi spokesperson also weighed in, telling the German retailer was constantly reviewing packaging to reduce waste.

“We are currently working with industry to trial packaging made from other materials in a hope to find a viable and sustainable alternative to single-use plastics,” he said.

“As part of these alternatives we also consider the suitability of the packaging from our customer’s perspective.

“Some of our fresh fruit and vegetables are packaged in order to reduce bruising and protect the items from customer handling.

“This also helps reduce food waste and spoilage.

“Our commitment to reduce plastic waste is why all our stores have been completely free of single-use plastic bags since we opened in 2001.

“We also recycle 96 per cent of the plastic waste generated in our stores.”

What are your thoughts?

Lifestyle, Food & Wine, Supermarket, Coles, Woolies, Aldi