Michelle Reed
Food & Wine

Fresh strawberry jelly

A simple, fruity dessert that’s great for adults and kids alike!

Serves: 6         



1. Wash, hull and chop one punnet of strawberries. Blend in a food processor or blender until smooth. Strain the mixture through a sieve to remove seeds. Discard pulp.

2. Combine water and caster sugar in saucepan. Add gelatine and turn heat to medium. Stir until sugar and gelatine are dissolved.

3.  Add juice and strawberry puree. Mixing thoroughly for five minutes or until liquid just comes to simmer. Set aside to cool.

4. Meanwhile, wash, hull and chop remaining strawberries. Place in base of glasses. Pour jelly mixture over the strawberries. Refrigerate for at least four hours or until set. Serve with whipped cream and garnish with strawberry leaves. 

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recipes, dessert, food and wine