Ben Squires
Food & Wine

Tuna and mayonnaise baked potato

A true British classic and a hearty and healthy snack.  Because it’s such a firm favourite, almost everyone will have their own special way of rustling one up. This particular recipe is very simple to prepare and even easier to finish off.



  1. Preheat your oven to 200°C.
  2. Rub the two potatoes with a little olive oil, prick them with a fork just two or three times, and then place them directly onto the top shelf of your preheated oven. Bake for 1 hour and 15 minutes.
  3. Tip the tuna into a large bowl. Add the mayonnaise and stir well. Season to taste with salt and pepper and put mixture to one side. 
  4. When the potatoes have done their time and feel very crisp on the outside, yet soft on the inside, remove from the oven.
  5. Cut the potato in half and scoop out all the boiling hot flesh. Add this to the tuna mayonnaise mixture. Also add the butter, then stir and season again.
  6. Now, refill the potato skins with the mixture, sprinkle the four halves with a little grated cheese and put back in the oven - this time on a baking tray – for another 10 to 15 minutes. Serve immediately with a simple green salad.

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lifestyle, food & wine, potato, Tuna