Alex O'Brien
Food & Wine

Recipe: Watermelon jam

They’re in season, delicious and can brighten up your breakfast in more ways than you think…



  1. Sterilise your jars by boiling them in a large pot for five minutes. Leave them in the pot until you need them to keep them clean and warm.
  2. Warm the sugar over a low heat.
  3. Puree the watermelon in batches with a stick blender.
  4. Add the watermelon and 1 cup of water to a large pan and bring to the boil.
  5. Add the Jamsetta, lemon juice and warmed sugar and bring back to the boil for 15-20 minutes, stirring often and skimming the scum from the surface with a slotted spoon. Add more water if necessary.
  6. Test to see if it’s set by removing from the heat for a moment and skimming a small amount onto the end of a wooden spoon. After 40 seconds, if the jam crinkles when you run a teaspoon through it, it is set. If not, cook for another 3 minutes then repeat.
  7. If your jam isn’t setting, add another 25g of jamsetta, boil for another 5 minutes and repeat.
  8. Dry your sterilized jam jars (they should still be warm, to stop them cracking) and ladle the hot jam into them until ¾ full. Seal with the Kleerview covers that come with Jamsetta sachets.

Note: Don’t leave the pot unattended. It can take a while to heat up and then boil quite suddenly. 

watermelon, jam, recipe, food, cooking