Weet-Bix weighs in on married couple's "un-Australian" debate

A husband and wife have gone viral on social media for their differing views on stacking Weet-Bix, with the breakfast cereal company chiming in to settle their debate.
The argument erupted on Reddit after a man asked users to "Help me settle an argument between my wife and me" over how they prepared their Weet-Bix in the morning.
“How do you eat yours? I put my Weet-Bix vertically, which optimises each biscuit’s access to milk, ensuring a more balanced texture across the dish. She likes hers flat. Thoughts?”
The man attached a photo of both ways side-by-side. In the first bowl, four Weet-Bix biscuits are placed vertically, while in the second, they’re stacked flat.
Within hours, thousands of comments poured in on the divisive post and the consensus was clear: eating them vertically is “un-Australian”.
“I’ve never heard of that,” one user wrote. “I denounce it as heresy and witchcraft.”
“I didn’t know there was any other way to eat them other than flat,” chimed in another.
“Who are these people eating their Weet-Bix vertically and walking around acting like normal citizens?” joked someone else.
However, a few brave souls defended the vertical method, saying they could see the benefits, such as keeping the biscuits “crisper” for longer and allowing more to fit in the bowl.
To settle the debate, Sarah Smyth, Weet-Bix Brand Manager at Sanitarium chimed in, telling news.com.au that the Aussie breakfast staple is to be enjoyed however you want.
“We’ve been doing our Weet-Bix daily for nearly 100 years, and there’s no right or wrong way,” she told the news outlet.
“Vertical, flat, whole, crumbled, soaked or plain, we just love how the humble Weet-Bix is the perfect base to inspire a master breakfast chef in any generation."
“From savoury to the strangest of sweet toppings, to smoothies, slices, veggie balls, and even crumbled on a salad for extra crunch, we’ve heard it all over the years!”
Image credits: Reddit