Food & Wine

What's the right amount of custard: Dessert photo sparks heated debate

What’s the right amount of custard to add to your dessert? It’s a question you never thought you needed to answer but a fierce debate is currently raging online about this very issue.

After a husband posted a photo of his wife’s dessert on Reddit, a heated debate ensued over the “correct” custard to dessert ratio.

The user posted a picture of two bowls of crumble, but the bowls had vastly different amounts of custard poured over them.

The husband wrote: “This was plum crumble, if anyone is wondering. I’m on the right, wife in the wrong.”

The photo immediately created controversy over which bowl depicted the correct amount of custard.

“The left side is the right amount. The right side looks like an accidental spillage of custard that you might expect in any given meal, on average,” one person said.

One person thought neither were correct, writing: “Left side’s too much. Right side’s not enough.”

Another user wrote: “What is the point if it’s not literally smothered in it?”

“The one on the left with just a little more custard methinks,” another posted.

How much custard do you like on your dessert?

Food & wine, Custard, Dessert