Georgia Dixon
Food & Wine

Why you should never store eggs in the fridge door

Where do you keep your eggs? If the answer is in your fridge door’s egg rack, you might want to relocate them after reading this.

According to storage expert Vlatka Lake from Space Station, it’s actually the worst place to put them. Why? Because they’re subject to a number of sudden temperature changes as the door opens and clothes, making them go bad quicker.

“When it comes to eggs, there is a huge debate on where they should be kept, with some saying in the fridge and others saying on the counter,” she told The Sun.

“The general consensus is to store eggs in the fridge, but not in the egg racks commonly found on the fridge door. Egg racks are susceptible to changes in temperature due to the fridge door opening and closing and can cause your eggs to go rotten more quickly.”

Tell us in the comments below, where do you keep your eggs? Will you move them after reading this?

storage, food, Eggs, fridge, refrigerator