Alexandra Houle
Home & Garden

10 signs you’re addicted to gardening

To say you have a green thumb is an understatement, your whole being is green. Here are just 10 signs you’re a gardening addict.

1. Your family and friends know all you want for your birthday is the delivery of the highest-quality mulch or maybe that fancy compost bin. Anything garden-related basically.

2. Your idea of fun is going to the local nursery to see what new plants are in stock or visiting beautiful gardens to get some inspiration for your own garden.

3. When you go on walks you admire your neighbour’s gardens and will stop to strike up a conversation about a well grown flower or vegetable.

4. You love checking the weather. It’s important to the prosperity of your garden.

5. You don’t count down the days to Christmas, you can’t wait for spring!

6. Your friends talk about going organic but you’ve been eating veggies and fruit from your garden for years.

7. You know all the Latin names for flowers. 

8. When you’re not gardening you are reading gardening magazines and looking online for tips.

9. You have more photos of your garden than your grandkids!

10. Your neighbours always catch you speaking to your plant: either praising them for growing so well or desperately begging them why they just won’t grow!

Image: Getty

gardening, garden, lifestyle, addicted to gardening, home & garden