Home & Garden

12 very personal details your house reveals about you

What you watch on TV

Internet-connected televisions can collect data on everything you’re watching and sell it to advertisers – and many are set up to do it by default. (To keep your information private, turn off data sharing in your TV settings.)

Whom you live with

Your dirt reveals whether there are more men or women in the household (the sexes shed different types of bacteria). By examining the fungi in your dust, scientists can also predict where you live, down to about a 240km range.

Whether you are outgoing

It’s written on your front door. According to colour experts, a red front door means you’re not afraid to say what you think. A blue door says you’re naturally at ease in most situations. Green broadcasts your traditional values, and black means you’re probably consistent and reserved.

Inside the home, extroverts tend to choose open, spacious furniture layouts. If you’re introverted, you probably decorate with soft, solid colours and muted patterns.

What you weigh

A Cornell University study found that women who had just one box of breakfast cereal on the kitchen counter weighed an average of 9kg more than those who didn’t have any cereal in plain view.

Women with soft drink sitting out (even diet kinds) weighed an average of 11kg more. People who had a bowl of fruit in the kitchen weighed an average of 6kg less than those who didn’t have fruit out.

How often you're intimate

If you have purple decor, you have nearly double the intimacy of people with grey bedding, walls, or furniture, says a British survey. Reds and pinks also seem to spice things up, while beige and white may inhibit intimacy.

How Type A you are

The answer is in your socks. One survey found that orderly and detailed people tend to have the messiest sock drawers. Experts hypothesise that people who are meticulous are more likely to spend time prioritising and organising more important parts of their lives. Follow these decorating tips to make your home look like a luxe hotel.

Whether you're a millennial

If you have many photos of yourself visible, you’re most likely under 35. Previous generations considered it gauche to display photos of themselves, but interior designers report that millennials – accustomed to posting selfies on social media – are much more inclined to show self-portraits.

How lonely you are

A Yale University study found that people who take longer showers and baths are more likely to feel lonely and isolated. Researchers believe they subconsciously use hot baths and showers as a substitute for emotional warmth.

You hate your job and avoid the gym

Both things are probable if you think making your bed is a waste of time. One survey of 68,000 people found that those who make their beds in the morning are more likely to enjoy their jobs and to exercise regularly than people who do not. Psychologists say it could be because happy people aim for an orderly life (rather than a chaotic, unorganised one).

Your chances of being burgled

According to an analysis of more than 1,000 burglaries, your home is likely to be a target if it has a sliding glass door or single-pane windows. These are easy for burglars to pry open or break.

If you're anxious

Most people – even those with clean, organised houses – have hidden messes under their beds or in their closets. If you’re one of the few who don’t, you may be an anxious person. Social scientists say the more anxious people are, the more they try to control their environment.

How well your kids read

A 2014 study found that the number of books in your home is by far the most important predictor of your child’s grade-level reading performance – more than your income or education level. Students whose homes had at least 100 books read one and a half grade levels above those with fewer books in the house.

Image credits: Getty Images

This article originally appeared on Reader's Digest.

home & garden, personality, details, exposed