3 household items that expire sooner than you think

Milk, cheese and other fridge-dwelling food items are stamped with expiration dates that, should you choose to ignore them, will make themselves known via smell.
But your house is actually peppered with items that require regular replenishment - many of which are outside of the kitchen.
Thanks to this handy info, we're now aware of the many surprising household items that require a monthly or yearly upgrade.
From knickknacks on your dresser to the staples in your pantry, your house is chock-full of items that can go bad.
Here are a few of the most surprising.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Expires in: 2 months
Why: Hydrogen peroxide, the versatile topical antiseptic used to prevent infection in cuts, scrapes, and minor burns, actually turns into water just two months after opening. An unopened bottle should be thrown out after one year.
Kitchen spices
Expires in: 1-3 years
Why: Household kitchen spices, like cinnamon, cumin and basil, reportedly begin losing their lustre after just one year - both in terms of taste and smell. Brightside also claims that ground spices should be thrown out after just six months.
Mosquito repellents
Expires in: 3 years
Why: Mosquito repellents are essentially useless after just two years, according to Brightside. You can usually tell if a bug repellent has expired by the smell - if one spray doesn't emit the pungent odour you've grown used to, it's time to throw it out.
Written by Kelsey Clark. First appeared on Stuff.co.nz.
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