Charlotte Foster
Home & Garden

4 easy ways to rejuvenate your laundry

The laundry is one of the hardest working rooms in the house. 

From washing clothes to being a stacked out storage space, it's easy to overlook making the laundry look nice as well as being functional. 

There are a few simple ways to breathe new life into your laundry room that won’t break the bank, and will keep the space working at maximum capacity. 

Give it a colour refresh

When it comes to refreshing a small space, your colour choices can go one of two ways: using the same colours as the rest of your home for continuity, or use the opportunity to be creative. 

A citrus colour can instantly brighten a space, while green or blue makes sense for a wet room. 

To liven things up even more, you can always put vinyl wallpaper or fun prints on the walls as well. 

Streamline your laundry routine

When refreshing your laundry, it's best to think of a way to enhance the functionality of the space by simplifying the clothes-washing process. 

An extended benchtop, a hanging rod for drying and a heated towel rail are just some inclusions that can boost how the room functions efficiently. 

Let in the light

A dark laundry is not a fun place to be, so consider bringing in new lighting options to brighten the space. 

A statement pendant can add a decorative touch, while lighting strips under cabinets illuminate your workspace. 

Alternatively, harness the power of natural light by installing a skylight in the ceiling or swapping out a solid timber door for one with a window in it.

Maximise storage options

Get the most out of your cupboard and shelves in your laundry with clever solutions to declutter the space. 

Wall hooks for dog leads, tubs for kids’ sports uniforms, bins for dog food, labelled canisters for pegs and laundry powder and a rack system for brooms and brushes can all help to boost functionality, minimise clutter and capitalise on space. 

Now everything has its own place to help the room stay clean and tidy. 

Image credits: Getty Images

home & garden, laundry, renovation, improvement