Danielle McCarthy
Home & Garden

Can you spot the venomous snake hiding in plain sight?

With the Autumn weather comes plenty of brown leaves that scatter footpaths around our nation – but it turns out we need to be extra careful when stepping through foliage.

The Sunshine Coast Snake Catchers have shared a photo of a deadly and ultra-aggressive snake lurking in plain sight.

The group posted a photo of the camouflaged snake online and asked people to try and spot it.

“Time for another round of spot the snake. As usual, extra points for naming the species!”, the group posted online.

Can you spot it?

Many Facebook users tried to identify where the snake was hiding in the foliage.

Guesses of its species ranged from brown and black snakes to copperhead and rough-scale snake.

Snake catcher Lochi confirmed the snake was a rough-scaled snake and revealed where it was hiding.

Scroll through the gallery above to see where the snake is hidden.

Did you spot the hidden snake? Let us know in the comments below. 

can, spot, venemous, snake, hiding, plain, sight