Home & Garden

10 great ideas to spruce up your front yard

If you want to add appeal to your home, but don’t have a lot of money to spend, try some of our simple ideas.

Install a water feature

Visit your local hardware store and find an appropriately sized fountain or birdbath to help attract birds to your garden.

Add an edge

Use stones or sleepers to define the edge of your garden beds. It can really tidy up a garden and will also work well to keep your soil and plants in place.

Add a brightly painted bench

In a sea of green, a brightly coloured bench seat or chair can really stand out. Sand an old bench and give it the colour treatment.

Paint your letterbox

A well looked after letterbox is the final flourish to your home entrance. Ensure it is looking its best and touch up any paint as needed.

Add colour with hanging planters

Plant some brightly coloured flowers from hanging baskets near your front door to give it an instant lift.

Paint the front door

A pop of colour can come from flowers, but it also looks great to have a brightly coloured front door. Why not consider a red or yellow door if it suits your home?

Trim your hedges, bushes and shrubs

When you see your garden day in day out you may not notice that it needs attention. Give your plants a once over to keep them looking neat and tidy, and to encourage new growth.

Remove any clutter

If your yard has become a dumping ground for old bikes, boxes or gardening equipment – it’s time to tidy up. Find a place for everything so that your front entrance is clean and clear. That includes the garden hose and the piles of leaves!

Add your house number

For a personal touch, installing a shiny new house number can add character and charm to your home.

Define with large pots

Two large pots on either side of your path or front door can help to create a dramatic entrance.

Related links:

How to make your own colourful tinted glass jars

Make a birdseed wreath

Whip up a batch of homemade play dough

DIY, garden, yard, door, ideas, Lee Price