Alex O'Brien
Home & Garden

DIY photo wall

Nothing captures the precious moments in life quite like photographs. So why are they all put away in photo albums for no one to see? Turn your most-loved memories into a work of art by creating a photo wall of your all-time favourite snaps. Here’s how:

1. Choose a look
You have a few options when it comes to the overall look of your photo wall. You can either go for mismatched frames in various sizes, or frames that are the same or similar, in different sizes. Just remember, if you opt for different frames there should be some linking element. For example, they might all be metallic – silver, gold, bronze or copper. Or they might all be beige in various tones.

2. Measure up
Once you have your frames, select which photos you want to use and then decide which photo you want in each of your frames. Then you can get the images printed according to the sizes of the frames they’re going in. So you don’t get confused, use Post-Its to mark the frames and photos so you know what goes where.

3. Map it out
Measure the wall space you want for your gallery. Cut a piece of paper to that size (or tape several large pieces of paper together, if necessary). Fold paper in quarters to mark the centre lines. Then lay the paper on the floor and experiment with different design layouts for your frames. Once you are happy with the frame layout, trace the outline of each frame onto the paper with a pencil. Use a ruler to make sure your outlines are straight and spaced evenly.

4. Hook it up
Measure the distance from top of each frame to where the hook will be placed. Mark these points within the corresponding outlines on your paper layout. Tape the paper to wall with painter's tape. Nail picture hooks where marked. Or alternatively, make marks where you should place 3M adhesive hooks. Remove paper. If you haven’t used nails, place your 3M adhesive hooks. Note: If you use 3M adhesive hooks, wait 24 hours before completing step 5.

5. Installation time
Place all frames on hooks and enjoy your work of art!

photo wall, picture, frames, wall