How to set up a raised veggie garden
For those who are finding gardening a tad more strenuous than usual, why not set up your own raised vegetable garden? Raised gardens give you easier access to plants, which means less bending down and more enjoyment in planting, tending, and harvesting your veggie garden. Here’s how to set up your own one.
1. The raised bed
You can build your own raised garden bed using timber or using building blocks. There are also easy to assemble raised garden bed kits that comes in range of sizes and shapes. PlantsPlus have a galvanised steel garden bed kit which are quick and easy to assemble and can be constructed on any surface.
2. Choosing the right spot
You will need to place your raised bed in a sunny spot as most veggies like at least six hour of sunlight. If placing the bed on grass or soil, make sure to cover the area first with something like wads of newspapers to smother out potential weeds.
3. The filling
Now it’s time to fill your garden bed. These are the two main methods:
The “dig” method
PlantsPlus recommends filling your raised garden bed with a generous combination of organic garden soil such as their Groganic Soil Improver and fertiliser. To give your veggies a boost, add a good fistful of Blood and Bone per square metre of soil and one part Sulphate of Potash to 10 parts Blood and Bone.
The “no-dig” method
Fill beds with layers of organic matter like pea straw, lucerne, compost and manure then top it off with a good layer of garden compost. As organic matter breaks down just top the beds up with more compost.
4. Planting
Give punnets a water before gently removing the individual seedlings. Read the label and follow instructions for spacing and ensure you dig holes big enough to accommodate the plants roots.
5. Keeping your veggies on the right track
The experts at PlantsPlus suggest applying a good layer of Earthcore Water Saving Mulch to your bed after planting to help to retain moisture, reduce weed growth and gradually improve the soil. Get seedlings off to a good start by applying Powerfeed for Veggies at planting time and throughout the growing season.
Related links:
What you need to know about your soil’s pH levels
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